St-Med am Sternen
Tramstrasse 4
8050 Zürich

08 - 12 | 13 - 18 h
MI: 08 - 12 h
SA: 09 - 14 h

ST-Med Zurich-Oerlikon

TCM & Acupuncture

Medical practice for general internal medicine, gynecology, TCM, in Zurich-Oerlikon.

What is acupuncture?

Of all the therapy methods used in traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture is the most widely accepted and developed in the western health system. Its particular advantage is that it is not only effective, but also has few side effects.

The mode of action of acupuncture has been researched intensively for many years, many relationships have already been clarified. This contrasts with the traditional Chinese understanding that the entire organism is permeated by a dense network of so-called meridians.

The mode of action of acupuncture has been researched intensively for many years, many relationships have already been clarified. This contrasts with the traditional Chinese understanding that the entire organism is permeated by a dense network of so-called meridians.

What diseases can acupuncture treat?

The aim of traditional Chinese medicine treatment is to treat the whole person and not a local illness, because every illness or physical disorder is integrated into the whole organism. Every disorder is subject to individual development and has evolved with the individual history of a person. Even if important symptoms are similar, the causes are usually varied and different. Therefore the therapy must also be different.

In general, it has been shown that disorders such as insomnia, stress reactions, energy gaps, painful conditions (acute and chronic), hormonal disorders, functional disorders, allergies, hay fever, infertility, hormonal disorders, signs of aging and chronic diseases respond very well to acupuncture.

In the ST Med practice, all of these indications can be treated – even in men.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has published a list of diseases that can be successfully treated with acupuncture:

  • Bronchopulmonary diseases: bronchitis, pseudo croup, hyperreagible bronchial system, bronchial asthma
  • Cardiovascular diseases: functional heart diseases, hypertension and hypotension, circulatory disorders
  • Gynecological clinical: pictures : cycle disorders, dysmenorrhea, premenstrual syndrome, climacteric syndrome, mastopathy, fertility disorders, frigidity, childbirth preparation, induction of labor, birth relief, lactation disorders
  • Neurological disorders: Mmigraines, tension headache, trigeminal neuralgia, atypical facial pain, intercostal neuralgia, zoster neuralgia, phantom pain, polyneuropathy, paraesthesia, paralysis, facial palsy, vegetative dysfunction
  • Gastrointestinal disorders: functional gastrointestinal disorders singultus, hyperemesis, esophagitis, gastritis, gastroenteritis, ulcer ventriculi, duodenal ulcer, cholecystitis, hepatitis, constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease
  • Disorders of the support and movement system: myofascial pain syndromes, radicular syndromes, pseudoradicular syndromes arthralgias, arthrosis, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, cervical spine syndrome, torticollis, BWS syndrome, lumbar spine syndrome, lumbago, sciatica, shoulder-armis syndrome, epidermis syndrome, pericondium syndrome, pericondial syndrome, pericondium syndrome, periocular disease syndrome, periocular disease syndrome, periocular disease syndrome, periocardial syndrome, periocular disease syndrome, periocardial syndrome, epidermis syndrome, periocular disease carpal tunnel syndrome. Coxarthrosis, coxalgia, gonarthrosis, gonalgia, tendinopathies (diseases of the tendons, e.g. tennis elbow, achilles tendinitis)
  • Mental and psychosomatic disorders as well as addictions: Depressive moods, depression, sleep disorders, states of exhaustion, psycho-vegetative syndrome, restlessness, detoxification treatment and therapy support for addictions such as: alcohol abuse, nicotine abuse, bulimia, obesity
  • Urological diseases: cystitis, prostatitis, pyelonephritis, functional disorders of the genitourinary tract: irritable bladder, urinary incontinence, nocturnal enuresis, impotence
  • Skin diseases: urticaria (hives), neurodermatitis

Traditional Chinese medicine

In traditional Chinese medicine, various methods are used in addition to acupuncture:

  • Cupping: Here glasses are stimulated at certain cardinal points of the body by means of glasses in which a vacuum is created. A massage can also be carried out with the cupping glasses. Dr. Armin Fürst uses both the fire cupping technique and the vacuum pump.
  • Chinese medicine and herbal therapy: This can truly look back on a very long tradition and history: after the beginning of our era, the Shang Han Lun, a treatise on cold illnesses, was created. It is considered to be one of the oldest clinical treatises in medical history. A compendium of the Materia Medica (a work on medicinal herbs) was the Tang Materia Medica and was published in 659 AD.
  • Use of Chinese medicine therapy: Some western herbs also have their place in Chinese medicine. Therapy with Chinese herbs can be highly effective. However, side effects can also occur here. The herbal supplements should therefore be prescribed by a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and should never be used without advice from a specialist in self-medication. Dr. After his diagnosis, Armin Fürst will be happy to prepare a recipe tailored to your needs – also using Chinese diagnostic methods.
  • Moxa therapy: Here so-called moxa cigars or cones are lit, which mostly consist of Artemisia herbs. This stimulates selected acupuncture points on the body. The heat generated in this way penetrates the layers of the body and creates an attraction. This technique is also used in pregnancy and obstetrics.
  • Qigong: These forms of movement and concentration, which come from traditional Chinese medicine, have their origins in martial arts and meditation. These techniques are also used by Dr. Armin Fürst routinely used in acupuncture. Dr. Fürst first dealt with these techniques as a medical student in a kung fu course with a master from Beijing about 30 years ago and was already impressed by the positive effects on health.

TCM and desire to have children

An (unfulfilled) desire to have children is an excellent indication for traditional Chinese medicine. To the delight of many patients, Dr. med. (SRB) Vladimir Marinkovic successfully used therapies such as acupuncture and herbal medicine in this area. If he does not wish to have children, he also combines these procedures with Western naturopathy (as the holder of the additional title “Naturopathic procedure according to the Baden-Württemberg Medical Association”). Here, diverting and supportive procedures are used. It is also important here that the partner receives additional treatment to improve sperm quality.

Consultation hours with Dr. med. (SRB) Vladimir Marinkovic in German, English or Serbian.